What is this? I’m confused. WHO wants to share this page with me? Oh well.
I have calculated the age (technically ChatGPT did it for me) and here’s would I got:
On Mercury I’d be 54 years old.
On Venus I’d be 21 years old.
On Earth I’m 13 years old.
On Mars I’d be 7 years old.
On Jupiter I’d be a 1 year old.
On Saturn I’d be 1/2 a year.
On Uranus I’d be 1/5 a year.
On Neptune I’d be 1/10 a year.
On Pluto I’d be 1/50 a year.
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2 thoughts on “Your Age on Other Worlds”
Do you love jesus
What is this? I’m confused. WHO wants to share this page with me? Oh well.
I have calculated the age (technically ChatGPT did it for me) and here’s would I got:
On Mercury I’d be 54 years old.
On Venus I’d be 21 years old.
On Earth I’m 13 years old.
On Mars I’d be 7 years old.
On Jupiter I’d be a 1 year old.
On Saturn I’d be 1/2 a year.
On Uranus I’d be 1/5 a year.
On Neptune I’d be 1/10 a year.
On Pluto I’d be 1/50 a year.
So yeah, that’s my age.