Tom Izzo Says Thank You

It’s awesome how just two small words can have such a big impact on people.

Referee Ed Hightower has spent 36 years as a referee. 36 years!!! That’s a really long time. The last 19 of those 36 years were spent being the head referee at Michigan State University, where men’s basketball coach Tom Izzo has been coaching since 1995.
This past Tuesday night was Ed Hightower’s last game as a referee. Not wanting this moment to pass without some sort of recognition, Coach Izzo grabbed the mic before the game was over and gave a quick, impromptu speech for Mr. Hightower.
The next opportunity you get, try to thank someone out loud for what they have done. By doing this, the person who you are thanking will feel good about themselves and continue trying to do more good. Encourage people to be good. 1 Thess. 5:11.
Happy Sabbath!

By David Robinson