The End of February

I was trying to find something, anything interesting to post for you all today but there was nothing out there. In the NBA, there was Jeremy Lin not doing too well against the Miami Heat. In NASCAR, Danica Patrick walking away from a pretty bad wreck. In soccer, Theirre Henri is building a new mansion with a 40 ft. fish tank it, and that’s cool, I guess. But nothing really jumped out at me. 

Then I realized that I haven’t done anything for Black History Month yet. In case no one has ever taken the time to explain why this is important, here’s the short version:

“This month allows people to see the struggles that African-Americans had to overcome in America, especially in sports.”

So without further ado, below I’ve listed a site that has 16 videos on black athletes in sports. These athletes include, LeBron James, Serena Williams, Jesse Owens, and even Jackie Robinson. Check them out, it’s pretty interesting. AND the best part is that if your parents think you’re just watching sports videos, tell them it’s educational 😉

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