Steph Curry’s Daughter Takes Over Press Conference

Let the little children come…

This past week, Golden State Warrior’s guard Steph Curry allowed his daughter to visit his press conference. At the press conference, reporters get to interview players so that they can write articles about them. So when Steph Curry’s daughter, Riley, showed up at the press conference, there were mixed feelings. Some thought that she was really cute and added a special moment to the normally dull event. Other reporters thought that Riley shouldn’t have been there because reporters were conducting official business there.

It reminded me of the time when Jesus reprimanded those who thought that children shouldn’t be in the presence of Jesus. Remember? Jesus said, “Let the children come, and do not hinder them, for such is the kingdom of Heaven.”

The point is that children, whether it’s Steph Curry’s daughter or not, should be acknowledged and respected. Riley Curry wanted to be close to her father and I congratulate Steph for inviting her and allowing her to stay.

By David Robinson