Psalm 10:16 – Forever

Psalm 10:16 has a cool connection with with the NBA All-Star weekend. Keep reading to find out.

Psalm 10:16 says that the Lord is King forever and ever. It’s interesting because this weekend will be Kobe Bryant’s last All-Star game. Many people playing with him this weekend grew up watching him play and consider him to be the greatest of their generation, after Michael Jordan or course. In the picture of the Bible verse, there is sideways 8, known as the symbol for continuity. Kobe used to wear the number 8 before he changed it to 24 because he liked the thought of being at his best forever.

Sadly, all things of this world will come to an end. However, what’s cool about the God that we serve is that He is the true symbol for continuity. His power and His kingdom will never fade away. Just like Psalm 10:16 says, God will be king forever. We don’t have to worry about having to serve someone else. Isn’t that a relief? 🙂

By David Robinson