Proverbs 20:29 – Old Age

Ready to meet the world’s oldest hockey player?

Mark Sertich plays hockey three times a week year-round. He’s currently 96 years old. Yes, you read that right.
This Guinness Records–certified world’s oldest ice hockey player, who skates with a group of firemen, police officers, and doctors roughly half his age. Mark’s agility on skates is legendary, but his reach goes beyond the boards.
“I’ve been playing hockey my whole life Mark said. I’ve tried to stay in shape from an early age, but longevity runs in the family. My mother lived to 88, my older sister died at 89, and my sister is 93. I still cut my own grass and shovel my own sidewalk. I do some pushups, sit-ups, and stretches. Other than that, I try to get my exercise in hockey. I play every single week of the year. It’s fun.”

Old age is a blessing from the Lord. We should never be afraid of aging. Old aged people have been through many different hardships that will help your walk of faith. They have made mistakes and they will help guide you so you don’t make the same mistakes. 

As Christians we have a responsibility to be active, mentally sharp, and not a bystander when we age. Proverbs 20:29 reads The glory of the young is their strength; the gray hair of experience is the splendor of the old. The author C.S. Lewis once stated: “You are never too old to set a new goal or dream a new dream.”

By David Robinson