More than a Great Catch

I have to admit, when I saw both these catches, I knew I was watching something special.

Young Sara Berardinelli is a gymnast competing in what looks like a French gymnastics show. Watch:

Wow! Her coach literally saved her life…twice! Now as cool as it was that her coach caught her before she hit the ground, go back and watch the coach carefully. You’ll notice that even before Sara starts her move, the coach is already moving into place to catch her. When I consulted some of my gymnast coaches, they all told me that the coach knows she’s not going to complete her move before she knows, that’s why he’s already moving into place before she actually messes up.

Without the explanation, the video show a good illustration of how God often steps into our lives at the right second to save us from our own mistakes. However, God doesn’t just randomly step in and out of our lives just when we need Him.

God is always watching.

He knows when you’re going to fall short and is already moving into place by the time you begin to fall. Just a friendly reminder that God is our greatest coach and is always there to help us.

By David Robinson