Matthew 5:12 – The $50 fee

Arizona Cardinals tight end, Jermaine Gresham did not plan on becoming a viral senstation, but his random act of kindness tilted that scale.

American Airlines instituted a new policy where custoer have to pay for carry-ons (bags that go in the overhead space on the plane). Delilah squished her two carry-on bags into one, but when the airline attendant measured her bag, it was too big and proceeded to charge her $50 to get her bag on the plane. Delilah was ready to pay the fee, but the airline only took credit cards, no cash. This was a problem because Delilah had just come back from Europe and all her cards were being declined because her bank wasn’t aware she was back in America.

American Airlines told Delilah that if she couldn’t pay, she would have to miss her flight. After a long day of traveling she was tired and sad that she would have to miss her flight. Then, out of nowhere a man walks up and asks, “How much is it?” The airline attendant tells him $50 and he says “I got it.”

At this point, Delilah is amazed. Jermaine tells her “not to worry about it.” He hands his card over to pay the $50 fee and tells Delilah to have a great flight.

Now Delilah is crying and she is shocked by this act of kindess. She attempted to repay Jermaine, but he simply said “pay it forward.”


Matthew 5:12 reads “Rejoice and be glad, for your reward is great in heaven.” Jermaine used what he had to help Delilah make her flight back home, and only required her to pay it forward.

WHat does that mean exactly? Assist someone who needs a helping hand. Take it one step further. Assist someone who needs a flight to heaven. Invite someone over for a bible study, pray for strangers, and introduce Jesus to others.

Require others to also pay it forward. As Christians one of our goals is to get as many people as possible on the flight to heaven.

By David Robinson