March Sadness 2k14

It’s that time of year again 🙂

Every year around this time, thousands of people fill out brackets and watch the drama unfold on Men’s college basketball on the biggest stage; the NCAA Tournament. While it is fun to see 64 teams go at it head-to-head, it’s hard to watch the losers. 
To win the tournament, one team has to win 6 games in a row! Sounds hard, but every year, there can only be one winner. This year, I’ve seen so many teams be disappointed so far. Entire collegiate careers have come crashing down at the sound of a buzzer. Unfortunately, it’s necessary.
Heaven is like that too. Many groups of people will try to win the ultimate prize of eternal salvation, but there can only be one group of people that wins; those who truly follow God. As you watch the tournament or see the latest results, just remember that many will try but only few will win the race.
Happy Sabbath!

By David Robinson