Luke 10:20 – Isaiah Thomas

Watching the first round of the NBA Playoffs has been awesome. The story lines are as exciting as the competition. But aside from the games, witnessing Celtics star Isaiah Thomas battle through his tragedy has been inspiring.

Right before Isaiah Thomas’ first 2017 game, he found out his younger sister was killed in a car accident. Even though she passed away a day before the series began, yet Isaiah chose to tough it out and play.

To pay his respects on the court Isaiah wrote his sisters name on his shoes. This is something that’s actually common for NBA players, and amateur players to do at all levels of the game. Here are a couple examples of people that have done so before.

The top picture is Isaiah’s tribute to his sister. The second is Kevin Durant’s tribute to Stuart Scott, and the final is Andre Drummond’s tribute to victims of gun violence. The act serves as a tribute or memorial to remember the specific individual.

People deal with grief and pain in many different ways. As Christians we’re blessed we have the ability to give our pain to God. We can find comfort in the fact that God will not forget about those that call on Him. Luke 10:20 shares a promise Christians can lean on in rough times. God promises us that our names will be written down in the book of life for eternity if we choose to depend on Him. God promises to remember each and every person that calls on Him, for eternity – a promise I look forward to God fulfilling.  

Luke 10:20

By David Robinson