Less Sports/More God

I got an awesome video for the end of 2013.
This year has been awesome for sports. At first I wanted to show a recap of all the amazing things that happened in sports this year, but I realized that would quickly turn into a mini-ESPN highlight video and God would be pushed to the background. Since day one, the purpose for the Sports Zone has always been to show how sports could be used as a way to spread the Gospel. As Christians, we shouldn’t just play sports to achieve personal greatness or win championships, but also to use it as an opportunity to talk to others about your faith. Sometimes it’s easy, sometimes it’s tough, but if you allow God to use you, then anything is possible. The video pretty much sums up what I’m trying to do with the Sports Zone.
So as the year closes and we step into 2014, really ask God to help you in your ministry through sports. It’s the prayer that I pray every time I write something.
Happy Sabbath!


By David Robinson