Genesis 16:13 – Lindsey Vonn

Late last year, Lindsay Vonn’s grandfather passed away. Lindsey credits her love of skiing, and much of her success, to him.

A couple of weeks before the World Cup downhill season started, Lindsey gave the eulogy at his funeral. She spoke about her grandfather’s influence and how she wished he could be with her in South Korea for the Olympics. She told stories about her grandfather, and thanked him for teaching the family to never quit. During the Korean War, Lindsey’s grandfather was stationed in South Korea near where she will compete. Lindsey has vowed to dedicate her upcoming season to his memory.

Grieving can be the most difficult time for people because you try balancing the feelings of pain and loss while going forward with your everyday life. The Olympics will be a great outlet for Lindsey, but I’m sure from time to time, her grandfather will be on her mind.

The goal of grieving is not to forget the pain or the memories of the loss. The goal is to reorganize so that the loss is still an important part of your life, but not what it centers around. In Genesis  God says “So she called the name of the Lord who spoke to her. ‘You are a God of seeing,’ for she said, ‘Truly here I have seen him who looks after me.”

We must remember that we can turn to God’s word for ease and comfort as we look to overcome grief. It doesn’t bring someone back, but it ensures us of God’s plans and promises.

I’m glad that I have a Heavenly Father that seeks, and looks after me. Aren’t you?

By David Robinson