Follow These Steps for Success

Have you ever tried to be good at something? Read more to see the best way to succeed!

Whenever you’re trying to be good at something, the first thing you do is look for an example. Like, when I was trying to get better at soccer, I would watch clips of soccer players to see how they were playing the game. And when I started getting in to basketball, I watched hundreds of hours of basketball footage and I definitely got better as time progressed.

In life, we should always strive to do our best, but who’s the best example to watch? There are many admirable people out there but they all fall short when it comes to watching the ultimate example; Jesus. As you start to read more of the Bible, you’ll see that Jesus has given us examples for every part of our lives. Now we all know that we can never be perfect, but that shouldn’t stop us from trying. That would be like me saying, “If I can’t make 100% of my shots in basketball, why would I shoot?”

Doesn’t really make sense, right?

Follow Jesus. He’s the best example we’ll ever have on how to live a better life by ultimately being a better Christian.

By David Robinson