A Friend of the King

Fall sports are starting across the nation. Are you trying to figure out how to get in good with your coach? I’ll tell you the best way!

The best way to get on a coach’s good side is two-fold:

1. Respect God

2. Respect everyone else

You can respect God by always doing your best at everything you do, spending personal time with Him, and asking for His help. This then falls in place with respecting others. Respect yourself by keeping your grades up so that you can progress in your education and also keep playing sports. This reflects respect for your family, friends, and even your teachers. These people have been placed in your life to help you become the best version of you possible. Do these two things, and your coach will love you!

God operates in the same way. If you obey His commandments and are pure in heart, you will stay close to God because He wants to build his kingdom of people like this. In all honesty, anyone who doesn’t want to do those two things won’t really want to be in His kingdom anyway. It’s sad but true.

As you settle in to this weekend after a hard week at school, try meditating on those two things and let me know the results with your coaches 🙂

By David Robinson