Red Sox Player Regrets Year

Carl Crawford of the Boston Red Sox did something that most professional athletes don’t do; admitting he had a bad year. In a blog post for ESPN Boston, Crawford wrote this:

I want to end the diary saying something to the fans of Boston. I just want to say I’m sorry for the year I’ve had. You guys have been really supportive and I appreciate that. Hopefully when we get into these playoffs, I can be the real Carl Crawford that I know I am. We’ll see.

It’s really hard to acknowledge to yourself when you’re doing bad let alone the rest of your fans. I think Crawford did a pretty cool thing. It’s not often that we get an inside look at a professional athlete’s life. The Red Sox have been slipping as a team on this home stretch and they’ve almost lost their division lead. Let’s hope that Crawford’s hopes come true and he can help his team out…or maybe not, I’m a Yankees fan 🙂

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