
Two weeks ago, I talked about how Barry Bonds had no honor because he was a cheater. Well, it seems as if yet another person was caught lying. 

Ohio State College Football Coach, Jim Tressel is in trouble for lying to the NCAA about some of his players. Apparently, some of Coach Tressel’s players were breaking some NCAA rules outside of playing football. Once Coach Tressel found out, he was supposed to report his players, but he didn’t. Instead, he tried to cover up for them by not telling anyone what they had done. This is a no-no. 

Unfortunately, Coach Tressel was caught and now he’s in major trouble. At the very least, he’s going to lose his job. All because he decided to cover up someone else’s lies.

See, even though Coach Tressel didn’t say anything that was a lie, by NOT saying anything, he was also telling a lie. Those are all forms of deception. When we twist our words to deceive people, it is still a lie, no matter what.

By Administrator