Dealing with Death

It’s been a tough week in basketball. It saddens me that there are two stories about death this week. One story features Wes Leonard and the other showcases Brad Rhoades. (Click on the their names to see the full story.)

In a nutshell, Wes Leonard helped his team complete a perfect season by hitting a game-winning shot in overtime. His team was now officially a perfect 20-0! Sadly, minutes after the crowd rushed the floor, Wes collapsed onto the floor. On his way to the hospital, the paramedics tried to do all they could to save him, but by the time he got to the hospital, he died.

The other sad story was Brad Rhoades. Sadly, his mother died in a snowmobile accident earlier this week. So to pay tribute to her, he decided to score one point for every year of his mother’s life, which was 46. Brad made true on his promise and he scored 46 with two minutes left in the game. As he leapt into his father’s arms, the entire gym erupted in a standing ovation.

It’s sad to think that death is a part of life. It wasn’t in God’s original plan, but unfortunately, it’s a consequence of sin. Have you ever lost someone close to you? Although it’s nice to think that those who have passed on are up in Heaven smiling down on us, it isn’t true. The dead are in their graves waiting for Jesus’ return to this sad world. 

It’s comforting to think that the loved ones we lost are here with us, but they are not. Whenever you need the strength to push on, pray to Jesus for help and He’ll send the Holy Spirit to comfort you.

By Administrator