1 Thessalonians 5:18 – Be Thankful!

This is the time of year when we reflect on what we’re thankful for, and the words of 1 Thessalonians 5:18 fit perfectly.

In 1 Thessalonians 5:18, it reminds us to be thankful no matter what’s happening around you. Sometimes that can be hard to understand. Did any of you watch the Cowboys vs Panthers on Thanksgiving? In this game, Tony Romo was hurt and we later found out that he is out for the rest of the season. So on a day when everyone is supposed to be thankful, how can Cowboys fans or even Tony Romo be thankful?

The answer is patience. I am a firm believer that God can use anything to help get spread His message and will, only if we let him. Only time will tell what a situation like this can mean for the Dallas Cowboys and Tony Romo. Not to get too deep, but what if Romo never plays football again because of that injury, and then he’s able to use all his new free time to help the less fortunate? Or what if he becomes a motivational speaker for athletes that have had their careers ended prematurely? The possibilities for success are endless when God is involved.

This weekend, take some time to think about some bad things that have happened to you and how you can be thankful even those situations.

By David Robinson