Jalgal Collection

Nurse Payne

Talk about a big shot! Don't poke fun at Nurse Payne or she just might poke you back!

Amazing Grace

Grace always thinks before she speaks—and it often involves saying something nice about someone.

Junior Reeder: Special Guide 70th Anniversary Thumbuddy

Junior is the younger brother of Thumbuddy Ima Reeder. When they got copies of the first Junior Guide, as it was called in 1953, they thought the magazine was "peachy keen"!

Secret Giver

He knows firsthand how much more fun it is to give than to receive! (But don't ask his real name—that's a secret too!)

Appaloosa Luci

Here's a fun-loving equestrian who's a perfect match for her horse. Who knows where they're headed next!

Faith Hopenlove

A spiritual mentor to many, Faith has a devotional life that's resulted in endless incredible answers to prayer.

Guide magazine only prints true stories. However, we do publish some imaginative stories on the Guide website. If you want to share your story with our online readers, click below.

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