Winter’s War – Chapter 1

Writers Note: 

Hey Guidesters! Welcome to the beginning of my first series called, Winter’s War.

If you like adventures, you’re in for a treat!

Let’s go!

Travis Robertson shoved his frozen hands into his pockets as he trudged through the ever deepening snow on his way home from school. 

An everlasting white sheet descended from the sky.  A white tint covered the town. Deciduous trees, stripped of their green glory grouped on each side of the walkway, painted in magnificent white. Houses, shops and other town buildings stood expectantly as nature put her strokes of plain white beauty on all she could touch.

 All of the beautiful sights of winter were unnoticed by Travis. The entire walk home his mind was occupied with unpleasant recollections.

“It’s just not fair!” He shouted. 

“It’s absolutely not fair! I was only putting him in his place; teaching him a little lesson, and I had to be punished like that! NOT FAIR!” 

He clawed viciously at the snow drifting down in front of him, sending a stream of freezing air though his fingers which forced him to quickly return his hand to his pocket. 

It was Lazlo Peterson. This kid always had the perfect idea of how to throw Travis into a deep state of furiosity. Although he was a fellow sixth grader, he was bigger and bulkier than any child in the school and he made sure that Travis, and the other students, were reminded of this every school day. He found pleasure in pulling dangerous pranks, hurting others in every way he could and deliberately showing mere disrespect to his fellow human. 

Travis’ short temper did not help with the responsibility of being a Christian while dealing with a relentless bully. He could write a book of all the times that he was traumatized by this mean manipulative monster: There is the time when Lazlo intentionally tripped him in the hallway on his way to present his science project, shattering it to a million pieces. He had worked on that project for weeks! 

Or the time when he broke into his locker and then glued it shut. With gorilla glue!  

It seemed Lazlo could do all these wrongs, yet he would suffer little or no consequence.

He was a liar – pretending to change, just to earn people’s trust to betray them; he was a cheat – yes he aced most of his tests, but that was based on the other students’ answers; Lazlo was a thief – he had been taking Travis and the other students’ things and had been getting away with it. The latter annoyed Travis the most. 

Today was no different – another session of taunting and teasing. Travis’ dad always told him to ‘turn the other cheek’ – the Christian thing to do – but today? 

Writers Note: 

Find out more in Chapter 2!

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Winter’s War – Chapter 1

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