Upside Down, Chapter 2

Story so far: Tiffany is at home, and introduces her family.

Now in the bus, I made my way down the narrow aisle to a cool looking girl with pink dyed hair, Tory following.

“Um, can we sit here?” I asked. She smiled and nodded.

“You guys new here?”

“Yeah, we just moved from California.”

“Cool. I’m Willow.”


“Tory.” Tory said shyly. Willow pulled out her phone and we all exchanged numbers.

Two minutes later, the bus stopped and a boy stepped onto the bus.

“Hey Nick!” Willow said, looking up from her phone.

“Um, hi.” Nick said, his eyes on me. She kept glancing between me and Nick with a spark of annoyance in her eyes. I knew there would be trouble.

I smiled at Nick. He grinned as he sat across from us. On the way there, I caught him looking at me from time to time.

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Upside Down, Chapter 2

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