Two of Randy’s faith heroes were Seventh-day Adventists.
The heroic actions of Kata Rangoso and John Weidner took place during World War II, but they lived in different places. Rangoso saved Allied airmen when their planes crashed on the Solomon Islands. Weidner saved about 800 Jews. Their personal faith led them to risk their lives.
You can read Rangoso’s true story in Eileen E. Lantry’s book, King of the Cannibals. Rangoso came out of the heathenism among cannibals and became on of God’s leaders in the Solomon Islands.
Herbert Ford recorded Weidner’s story in his book Flee the Captor. Weidner’s service included saving the lives of 100 Allied aviators and many others who fled the nightmare of Nazism. When Haskell L. Lazere asked him why he had risked his life repeatedly to save so many, Weidner’s answer was simple and to the point, “They were God’s children; they were human beings.”