The Not So Best Friends Chapter 5

It was the next day, and I was getting ready for the bus. I got dressed, and ate breakfast.

Then I got on the bus and I sat next to Amy. I told her I was going to tell Laura about Jesus.

“Anna, do you know specifically what you are saying to her?” she asked me.

“Yeah. I’m going to tell her that Jesus doesn’t like it when we’re mean to other people.” I said to Amy.

When we got to school, I saw Laura and started walking towards her.

“What do you want Anna?” Laura asked me.

“I wanted to ask if we could be friends again. I also want to tell you about the son of God, Jesus Christ. You can choose to believe what I tell you, or not.” I told Laura.

“Alright, say what you want to tell me, but make it quick.”

“I wanted to inform you that Jesus doesn’t like it when we’re mean to other people, and I want to ask if you would come to church with me this Saturday.” I told her.

“Okay, I’ll go to church with you this Saturday and decide what I want to believe.”

“That’s great! Thank you.” I said to Laura.

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The Not So Best Friends Chapter 5

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