The Faith it Takes to Fall



I’m standing as blind as Bartimaeus

Each uncertain step I take fills me with fear.

God, what are Your plans for my life? Where am I going?

I ask because to me, Your perfect plans are not showing.

Your word says to always trust in You,

And I do my best to believe it’s true…

But I’m afraid to let You catch me because it means I have to fall.

God, please give me the faith it takes to trust You with my all.



I am not omnipotent.

I’m by no means all-powerful.

I cannot see the road ahead.

And it’s getting hard to be faithful.

But You’ve told me everything is good

And everything works out as it should.

You don’t expect me to understand.

You just want me to take Your hand…

But I’m afraid to let You catch me because it means I have to fall.

God, please give me the faith it takes to trust You with my all.



Even when I can’t see the good in everything
I go through;

God, help me to just trust and hold on to You.

Because everything works out how You know is best,

I know all I need to do is hold on and trust You with the rest.

But I’m afraid to let You catch me because it means I have to fall.

God, please give me the faith it takes to trust You with my all.


I cannot work things for the best like blessings
from You.
I leave it all in Your hands because You can and do.
I’m scared because I know I’m going to fall,
But, God, I know I can trust you with my all

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The Faith it Takes to Fall

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