Rivals & Runaways – Coming soon!

Hey guys! Guess what?
I’m almost done revising my book and will be posting it here soon! Here is a short description of it:
The Torsney Springs Adventures presents: Rivals & Runaways
It’s 1995, and Mark, Jared, Alyssa, and Faith Sheridan are excited to meet their six cousins who are moving next door to them in their sleepy town of Torsney Springs, Pennsylvania. But welcoming the Keans is harder than they thought. Riley picks on Jared, Anthony becomes attached to Mark, and Kyla steals one of Alyssa’s ideas. Will the Sheridan kids be able to show their cousins what Jesus is like? How will Mark, Alyssa, and Faith witness to their cousins? Why is Riley so mean, and can Jared get over his pride and forgive her? When three girls in town go missing, including one of the Keans, the Kean and Sheridan kids will have to learn some important lessons about God, forgiveness, and each other — and accidentally find some clues along the way.
So yeah.
Some things u should know: Torsney Springs is not a real town, so don’t try looking it uplol.  Also, the book is more interesting than this description…I think.confuse
Also know that some characters are often mean to each other (explains the “Rivals” part of the title). But don’t worry, it’ll all work out in the end. It’s not going to be that way forever, because this book is about forgiveness!
I hope you enjoy it when it comes out!
— sci_geeek
P.S. Hey, Readingandrainbows, just know that the character “Anthony” in my book was named before I read Waiting For You, just so you know…

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Rivals & Runaways – Coming soon!

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