Explore Our Growing Story Collection

True Story

Things to Come

Tony, Tie Li, and Kim walked in silence…
True Story

Another Name

The electric heater resting in the corner of…
True Story


"What do you mean, we're going to kill…
True Story

The Cabin

Tony jammed his feet into his thick hiking…
True Story

The Master Plan

The children ate very little that evening. The…
True Story

The Void

Mr. Parks slid the large, heavy door along…
True Story


Voyager moved through the centuries like a shadow…
Dylan's Boring Prayers
True Story

Dylan’s Boring Prayers

"Dear God, thank You for keeping us safe…
True Story

Forgiving Love

A grinding, rattling noise interrupted the afternoon stillness…
True Story

The Father’s Voice

"I know, I know." Tony typed furiously on…
True Story

The Love of Laura

Mrs. Parks was putting breakfast on the table…
True Story

Fishers of Men

I'm almost ready." Tony's fingers tapped rhythmically on…
True Story


The transformation shocked Kim. At first the boy…
True Story


Tie Li looked up at Kim, then at…
True Story

Love Letter

Chapter 12 Love Letter The school bell rang,…
Imaginative Story Poetry


Tony carefully placed another log on the fire…
True Story


"What on earth happened to you?" Grandmother Parks…
True Story

Face in the Crowd

The rattling, noisy school bus ground to a…
True Story


The boy stood motionless, soundlessly repeating the words…
True Story


Testing, testing, one, two, three, testing. Tony watched…
True Story

First Step

Dr. McFerren leaned back in his chair, a…
1 70 71 72 73 74 78

Guide magazine only prints true stories. However, we do publish some imaginative stories on the Guide website. If you want to share your story with our online readers, click below.

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