Explore Our Growing Story Collection

Imaginative Story Christian BeliefsFriendshipsPersonal Growth

Olive Branches Chapter 3

"Why didn’t God save her? Why didn’t He…
Imaginative Story FriendshipsPersonal Growth

Across the Country

Gracie was nervous. She'd be in a new…
Imaginative Story FriendshipsHumorPersonal Growth

Olive Branches Chapter 2

As he looks at the class he points…
Imaginative Story AdventureBiographyHistory

Patience in Eruption, Chapter 3

Would rescue ever come?...
Imaginative Story AdventureFriendshipsMystery

Winter’s War – Chapter 3

Something was different- something was very different…
Imaginative Story Adventure

Patience in Eruption, Chapter 2

The family had no choice but to run…
Imaginative Story AdventureChristian BeliefsPersonal Growth

A Happy New Year, Part 1

Hope you enjoy this New Year's story. Be…
True Story FriendshipsHumor

Olive Branches, Chapter 1

Then, as loudly and dramatically as possible I…
True Story Christian BeliefsHistory

No Gas

Trapped at a rest stop. No Gas. How…
True Story Adventure

Patience in Eruption, Chapter 1

They said it would never happen…
Imaginative Story AdventureChristian BeliefsFriendshipsHumorPersonal Growth

Life at this new school. New year special! 🥳

Will Rebekah have a good new year for…
Imaginative Story AdventureChristian BeliefsFriendshipsMysteryPersonal Growth

A Christmas to Remember, Chapter 2

Why did problems always show up?
True Story AdventureBiography

A Scooter Nightmare

Riding down the huge hill took a turn…
Imaginative Story Christian BeliefsFriendshipsHistoryPersonal Growth

Life at this new school. Christmas special!

Will Rebekah have a Lovely Christmas this year?…
Imaginative Story AdventureChristian BeliefsFriendshipsHumorPersonal Growth

Curly Does His Hair

"They're bullies Curly. There's nothing wrong with your…
Imaginative Story AdventureFriendships

Winter’s War – Chapter 2

Travis sprung off the ground, fueled by pure…
Imaginative Story AdventureChristian BeliefsFriendshipsMysteryPersonal Growth

A Christmas to Remember — Chapter 1

Was Elena enough to get the lead part…
Imaginative Story Christian BeliefsFriendshipsMystery

Life at This New School. Part 5 + Bully’s and Darius reveal!

Will Rebekah have a fun Monday at school?…
Imaginative Story FriendshipsHumorPersonal Growth

The Blame Game – Chapter 3

Avery sighed. It wasn’t the first time Angelina…
Imaginative Story Adventure

Winter’s War – Chapter 1

An annoyed boy. A ruthless Bully. The start…
Imaginative Story FriendshipsMysteryPersonal Growth

The Blame Game – Chapter 2

“Oh no, he saw us!" Avery whispered to…
1 4 5 6 7 8 78

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