Explore Our Growing Story Collection

True Story

Newspapers (fictional)

There once was a boy in a cottage…
True Story


Road……. All that you could see for miles…
True Story

CS7 contest winners!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ok guys........ it's me Bella again!!!!!! and I'm…
True Story

Sephora | Pt.1

After three days of fasting it was time.…
Imaginative Story Poetry

Down is Up

Down is up (Author Unknown)
Imaginative Story Poetry

We’ll be back again…same place every year

 Song I wrote out of my head when…
True Story

CS7 character contest!!

Hey guys!! It's me Bella, or as you…
True Story

The Beach 2

hey it's 'Liyah I'm back! sorry the second…
True Story

My first try

Hi guys. This is my first time to…
True Story

If I Could be Anyone for a Day

If I could be anyone for a day,…
True Story

I am… – Life 002

'There was a huge fire down at Monroe…
True Story

Love forgives all Ch.2

Hi guys! Sorry I took so long to…
True Story


Callie woke to a bump in the road.…
True Story

2,000 years ago- The Pharisee, Fish seller and the Fisherman’s KIDS: Part 1

 Gad, Pablo and James were friends, whose parents…
True Story

regarding His Arms Are Open

I'm sorry, i haven't uploaded my next chapter…
True Story

My Trip

It had been 4 years since we had…
True Story

My Lego Essay

Legos aretoys that you can put together and…
True Story

My News Report

Advantage of homeschooling. Paul Masaka, Lead
True Story

Good For The Soul

Trust in the Lord with all thine heart…
True Story


G.Meesarapu Callie ran faster and faster. The narrow…
True Story

God’s Weekly Message

Acts 16:31 - Believe on the Lord Jesus…
1 39 40 41 42 43 78

Guide magazine only prints true stories. However, we do publish some imaginative stories on the Guide website. If you want to share your story with our online readers, click below.

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