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True Story Pathfinder

Noel, Noel, Noel

It’s pretty much the best time of the…
True Story

Mistakes and Returns | Chapter 10

Kaila woke up before the sun rose. She…
True Story Pathfinder

In the Mists of Life

It’s the week before Thanksgiving. Many of us…
True Story


Hey guys, Lemon here. Some of you might…
True Story

Name Change

To everyone who is reading this, I, Mud,…
“Everything Is Wrong!”
True Story Pathfinder

“Everything Is Wrong!”

When it comes to camping, hiking, and backpacking,…
True Story Bonus Features

Life as a Blob

This week's Guide magazine has a feature called…
True Story

Pickle on a string

Once, my brother and I were very, very…
Imaginative Story Poetry

aNoTHer HoRRiBLe PoeM

CAT THE DOG Once, I had a dog.
Imaginative Story Poetry

The Extra Rough Draft of a Christian Rap

People are dying  Depression is rising
True Story

My Experience.

 She was gone.The one I loved and admired…
True Story Pathfinder

Tall Trees

I heard a story this week, about climbing…
True Story Pathfinder

The Music of the Spheres

I love music! I can’t imagine a world…
True Story

Mistakes and Returns | Chapter 9

Sethe walked over her to Octavia. "Octavia…”
True Story

Failure | Chapter 9 | LAST CHAPTER!

Alex was so nervous and happy, she thought…
True Story Pathfinder


This past week we had a sibling of…
True Story

Gospel Times

Please tell me if you want me to…
True Story Bonus Features

Nabisco Frees Their Animal Crackers

The life of a circus animal doesn't seem…
True Story Pathfinder

Every Ounce Counts!

I want you to try an experiment. Find…
True Story Pathfinder

One Year From Today!

Well the count down is on! Time to…
True Story

Mistakes and Returns | Chapter 8

"Ok, what is your story?” Kaila inquired.
1 29 30 31 32 33 78

Guide magazine only prints true stories. However, we do publish some imaginative stories on the Guide website. If you want to share your story with our online readers, click below.

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