Explore Our Growing Story Collection

True Story

The Red Scarf

A little thing I did earlier this year.…
True Story

Christian Boarding School Rules. Westmount Christian Academy Handbook.

 If you are planning on reading Christian Boarding…
True Story

Accident on the Highway Part 4

Kelly was exhausted when she went to bed…
True Story

Christian Boarding School.

"Children, we are here! Please collect your luggage…
anna swan
True Story

Anna the Giantess

Anna woke, gasping for breath. Thick smoke clouded…
True Story

The City and the Town | Chapter 1

"What on earth is wrong?" Shadira asked, her…
True Story

Accident on The Highway Part 3

Last time on Accident on The Highway:  ”Here you…
True Story

Adventures of a “Whiny Baby”

“Uncle John?” I whined, “I think I’m going…
True Story

Accident on the Highway Part 2

Last time on Accident on the Highway: Just…
True Story

Just Jump

The Dominican Republic was Cheyenne’s second mission trip…
True Story

The Brave Princess Part 1

In the town of Forestville, in the Kingdom…
True Story

Accident on the Highway! (Part 1)

It was a crisp autumn morning. The shop…
True Story


Sooooo I took a very long break, and…
True Story Bonus Features

Give Us a Grin, Pioneers!

Back in the olden days of photography, people…
True Story Bonus Features

Mystery of the Vanishing Square

Take a look at this visual math puzzle…
True Story

The mysterious package

I wrote this story for people in africa:
wonder women
True Story

Is That You, Wonder Woman?

"Hannah, I have cancer." I was fifteen years…
Imaginative Story Poetry

Apostrophe to Autocorrect

Wrote this for school sometime last year. Hope…
True Story

Mistakes and Returns | Chapter 16

Bethesda blinked, bowl of lentil soup lying idle…
True Story Pathfinder

Moving Mountains

If you haven’t been to the Rockies or…
True Story

Book Reviews/Rants | Jochbed; Yawheh is Glory part 2

1 27 28 29 30 31 78

Guide magazine only prints true stories. However, we do publish some imaginative stories on the Guide website. If you want to share your story with our online readers, click below.

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