Explore Our Growing Story Collection

Imaginative Story Poetry

Quotes Pt. 2

"In three words I can sum up everything…
True Story

Chapter 6 Big Bot The Very Annoying Robot

Hi again! Sorry to take so long to…
True Story

My Attempt At Comedy

 Here's one of my attempts at comedy.  Try…
True Story

The Japanese Mystery Pt. 12 (Feeling bad)

It was Thursday, April 18, 2013, and Hiroaki's…
True Story

Somehow ch. 7 (part one)

"Daddy,” I screamed. "What’s wrong?” Daddy slammed on…
True Story

Stella’s Prayer – 1

Here's a book I started writing some days…
True Story

Five Fast Facts about Abigail Adams

The above image is a painting of Abigail…
True Story

Dorothy and the Pilot

Hi everyone! I'm posting this story again because…
True Story

Underneath the Plane Tree

underneath the sheltering arms of an English plane…
True Story

Chapter 2 “Actually we are fostering them”……

Hi , 2 small changes .1. The kids…
True Story

The Brynn and Bree story

Hi everyone, this is wannabewritergirl,
True Story

The Japanese Mystery Pt. 11 (Japanese Mystery 2)

It is Monday, April 15, 2013, and they…
True Story

I bet you didn’t know some of this stuff! – A Butterfly’s Life

  Although we often hear about the topic, the…
True Story

Big Bot The Very Annoying Robot

Shalom friends! I have returned with chapter 5…
True Story

Somehow ch. 5 (third part) This should be the end of the chapter!

"Aspen,” Mom announced to me when I got…
True Story

Somehow ch. 5 (second part)

I dumped my phone into my backpack and…
True Story

Somehow ch. 6 (cliffhanger!)

February passed rather uneventfully. The most interesting thing…
Imaginative Story Poetry

Time, Life, & Love

Time Marches along With indifference to the world…
True Story


True Story

Somehow ch. 5 (the first part)

5 Saige Good news! Aspen What?
1 13 14 15 16 17 78

Guide magazine only prints true stories. However, we do publish some imaginative stories on the Guide website. If you want to share your story with our online readers, click below.

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