New Pathfinder Blog Coming!


Hello Everyone, I’m so glad to be officially joining the Guide crew. I’ve been busy writing and collecting stories for monthly articles for Guide. The first one comes out this month! The blog is going to be your chance to get know more about Pathfinders.

So if you have questions about Pathfinders or if you want to share “your Pathfinder story” use the Contact Us button at the bottom of the main webpage and your email will be forwarded to me. Just be sure to use the email titles “Question about Pathfinders” or “Story for Pathfinders”.

Thank you and I’m looking forward to meeting each of you in the years to come at Conference, Union, and Division Camporees!

Send me and email here.

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New Pathfinder Blog Coming!

Guide magazine only prints true stories. However, we do publish some imaginative stories on the Guide website. If you want to share your story with our online readers, click below.

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