It was a normal day for me, a happy two-year-old girl. Ever since I was younger, I loved running, jumping OVER, and jumping ON the couch.
Just like any other day, I was jumping on the couch, getting higher with each jump. My mom noticed this, and told me to stop because she was worried about me falling on the kitchen’s tile floor behind the couch.
As I started to get off the couch, it was as if someone lifted me up, and my mom, dad and two cousin’s hearts stopped as I flew into the middle of the kitchen. There was no way I jumped that far by myself! I was only a short, little, two-year-old. I landed flat on my stomach and face. Everyone looked at me with wide eyes. Then, I sat up and started crying.
Everyone was relieved that I was alive. The only thing that I hurt was my lip, which got cut when I fell.
Even though Satan tried to kill me that day, God protected me.
The Lord shall preserve you from all evil; He shall preserve your soul. Psalms 121:7
9 thoughts on “My Kitchen Floor Accident”
wow that’s so cool
I agree
Thank you!
Wow. That’s a miracle. God is mighty!!
Oh wow, I’m glad God spared you! Good story!
I love this story!
Do you think you could do another one
Well, if I can remember any stories similar to this one, I will!
Creepy but wow