My Experience.

   She was gone.The one I loved and admired just left me. My grandma was only 91. I know that 91 is a pretty old age, so I kind of expected it. I just didn’t want to think about it.The morning before she died was a blur, it was my best friend’s birthday and I was happy. At school I did not think about her at all. Now when I think about it, I was super happy. I feel selfish for being so happy. It was the same when I got home but she wasn’t there. I thought that she went to get a checkup. But, when I saw my mothers face, I knew that it was my grandma’s time to go. I broke down into tears, hoping that it was just a dream. It was real. The word got around to my other relatives and I could tell they were hurt too. The day of the funeral was the worst day of my life. Everyone was crying and saying how amazing she was. After that, I walked up to her casket. I regret going up there because it just made me cry some more.Then, when we went to go eat dinner, my younger cousin started laughing and playing with her other cousins. I was so angry! How was she supposed to be happy and excited when it was my grandmas funeral! I quickly walked up to her and said,”Semi! What are you doing? It’s Manman’s  (its pronounced “muh-muh”) funeral!” She immediately started crying. She said that she knew it was. I felt terrible after that. It’s been two years but I’ve gotten better. It brings me joy when I think that I’ll see her in heaven. The first thing I’ll know she’ll see is God coming down from heaven!
I’m not sure when I will post the next “Fine?” chapter because I kind of have no idea/inspiration for it.It might come out soon though.
:). C’ya!

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My Experience.

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