Michael’s Big Mistake, Chapter 2

As she walked away, Micheal was still feeling uneasy. How in the world would he ask her on a date?”

Don’t do it!

Huh? Who’s talking to me? God is that you?

Don’t do it.

Why shouldn’t I ask her out?

Don’t do it, it’s not the right time.  

Micheal argued with God. “Come on man, it’s no big deal. Besides I like her, what if she is just waiting that i asked her out. She seemed very happy when I invited her home.

Don’t do it. 

Micheal ignored God’s warning and instead started going home. A very short time after he arrived, Ryleina was ringing at the door. As he opened, she held a bag of chips and her homework sheets and books.

“Hey, Micheal ready to study?”

“Y-yes, come in.”

With Ryleina’s help, Micheal finished his homework in no time.

“How do you make science and grammar so easy?” asked Micheal.

“I don’t know it’s my way of learning. Are we gonna talk about homework all day or what?”

“Of course not. What kind of movie do you want to watch?”

“A Korean movie, with a little romance and a lot of action and suspense, please!”


While he watched the movie, he thought of how to ask her out.

Ryleina, um, it’s been a while since I’ve watched you, and I just wanted to say that I really admire how gentle, kind, joyful, and courageous you are. I really appreciate those qualities. So, um, I have a bit of a question for you… if it’s not too much, would you maybe consider being my girlfriend? Take your time with your answer!

That’s it.  Micheal is ready, what he didn’t realize is that the movie was over. OKay now is the perfect time to ask Ryleina

“Ryleina, um, it’s been a while since I’ve watched you, and I just wanted to say that I really admire how gentle, kind, joyful, and courageous you are. I really appreciate those qualities. So, um, I have a bit of a question for you… if it’s not too much, would you maybe consider being my girlfriend? Take your time with your answer!”

Ryleina blushed at the sudden question. For a few minutes everithing was silent. Then…

“Yes , yes of course! ”

Micheal is overjoyed. But a voice came to his mind

I will help you.

Micheal ignored God’s voice again.

“I am so happy you accepted. Meet you tomorow at the cafe behind the mall at 5 p.m. Is that okay?”

“Y-y-yes. Well i have to go now. Bye!”


Ryleina gave him her phone number and left, but Micheal was already texting to his friend, Nathan. But how will Micheal’s friend react and will the date go as planned ?

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Michael’s Big Mistake, Chapter 2