Made For This, Series 1: Gymnastics, Chapter Three

Kim’s eyes fluttered. Where am I? she thought groggily. Wh-what is this place? This isn’t my bedroom! I need to go practice my routine!

Kim almost jumped out of the bed. “YEOWWW!” she yelled. Looking back up at the unfamiliar bed, she realized she was hanging from a white thing holding her foot up. She also realized that there was a bandage around her head. What is going on? Am I dreaming?

Kim’s thoughts were interrupted by two familiar voices with one unfamiliar voice.”But Chen, she’s going to be devastated when she hears that she broke her leg. What am I going to do?”

“Daiyu, just tell her. It’ll be devastating, but it’s the plain truth,” Kim heard her Dad say. “She can’t participate.”

“Well, Mr. and Mrs. Wang, here we are at her room. I’m not sure if she is up yet, but here-oh my! What has happened?!” They were seeing Kim in her desperate state, hanging upside down with her hair in her face. Mom panicked.

“LiLi, are you alright? Of course you’re not; you’re hanging! Nurse Hannah, please help her up!”

“Daiyu! The nurse is helping her! Calm down! Do you have your inhaler? You’re stressing yourself out!” Dad said demandingly.

Kim was confused. Not just confused. She was bewildered. “Dad, Mom, what is going on? Why am I bandaged up like this? This isn’t my bedroom! ”

“Ber (Dad’s nickname for her), it’s gonna be hard for you to take this news. Are you ready to hear it?”

Kim looked at Mom, who was crying on the other side of the bed. It couldn’t be that bad, she thought. Mom always cries for things that are not that bad. “Yeah, Dad. Spill it,” she said.

“Ber, it’s bad news. After you came back from your gymnastic lesson, you were walking up the steps to get to the house. You tripped on the first step and fell face forward onto the fifth step. You bruised your head and broke your leg. You’re going to have to keep that bandage on for at least four days. But you’re going to have to get a cast on your leg and keep it on for three weeks.”

Kim’s jaw dropped. “Do you mean…” she said.

Dad looked down. “Yes.”

“But-but I can’t not go! Dad, they need me! They can’t do it without me! Dad, I was made for this!!!”

“Ber, I’m sorry-”

“Sorry?! Is that all you are? Do you understand how I feel?” Kim almost yelled.

“Ber, I d-”

“No you don’t! ” Kim cried.

“God understands, Ber. He knows why He allowed this to happen.”

“If He did He wouldn’t have let this happen,” Kim snapped. “Tell me, why would He allow this to happen?”

“Ber, I-”

“No, I’m finished with this conversation.” Kim was crying now. She buried her head in her pillow and sobbed hysterically.

5 thoughts on “Made For This, Series 1: Gymnastics, Chapter Three”

  1. Hey guys! Sorry for the delay; I was late to post part three. But good news: part four will be out in a shorter time than this time! 😊

  2. Oh, guide girl, I had a feeling that she broke her leg when you asked INC what he thought would happen! πŸ˜„ Exciting chapter, I feel so bad for Kimberly! Can’t wait to see what happens next! 🩷

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Made For This, Series 1: Gymnastics, Chapter Three

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