Life at this new school. New adventures, Book 1, The Fruit of the Spirit, Chapter 2, Joy.

 “Oh mom, do I have to go?” Rebekah said with a upset mood on her face. “Honey,”

Her mom said, “You promised that you would come with me to the School Cafeteria to help me with getting the poor people some food to eat. You know that most people in this town don’t have food to eat. It’s a sinful world out th-”

 “Yes, yes, Mom I know that the world is sinful,” Rebekah said interrupting her Mom. “But Darius’s birthday party is TODAY! He’s my best friend!”

“Oooooohhh!” Ronny said with a grin. “Someone’s got a boy-”

“Please just hush hush.” Rebekah said with a better stop look on her face.”

“Alright Rebekah! We’re here!” Her Mom said out loud.

“Mom, I wanna go home.” Rebekah said to her Mom.

“Honey. I want you to look at Psalm 16:11 later on today to see why you are here.”

“But who’s going to look after Ronny while were gone!” Rebekah said.

“Your sister Layla will drop your brother at Burger King for lunch, and then they will come back here to pick us up.”

“Well, Okay.” Rebekah said. “But this better not be a trick!”


“ Thank you so much and God bless you miss!” A lady said as Rebekah served her mashed potatoes on paper plate.

How can this day get any better? Don’t know. Rebekah said to herself.

When it was break time, she remembered her Mom telling her to read Psalm 16:11. She got the Bible out of her bag and flipped the pages to the verse.

“You will show me the path of life; In your presence is fullness of joy; At you right hand are pleasures forevermore. Psalm 16:11.”

“Hey Mom,” Rebekah said later on, “You know that verse that you said for me to read? We’ll, I think I understand it now.”

“Really?” Her Mom said to her daughter?

“Yeah. I think it means that in God’s presence there is fullness of Joy. Which means Whatever God thinks is happy, it will make us happy too!”

“Yes, sweetie, that’s what I was trying to make you learn!” Her Mom said with a smile on her face. “Oh look, Layla and Ronny are here! It’s time to go then!”

“I guess so.” Rebekah said with a sigh.

So they went in the car, and went home. Then the next day, Darius asked Rebekah why she wasn’t at his birthday party that day. “Oh, I had plans.” Rebekah said with a grin on her face.


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Life at this new school. New adventures, Book 1, The Fruit of the Spirit, Chapter 2, Joy.

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