Let Me Leave You With This


The leaves are turning colors! This is the time of year for the best
camping. The bugs disappear and the warmth of the campfire is refreshing.
My favorite part is the yellow leaves, on fresh rain soaked dark bark, with
a crystal blue sky, and the evening sun piercing through the tree tops.

Our brothers and sisters in uniform in the north are wrapped in the reds,
oranges, and yellows of fall. The brothers and sisters in the south are
just starting to have the cool of the night seep into the day. Trees add a
beauty and wonder to the world like nothing else.

Take a look around you. How many things can you count that are made out of
wood? Check out the Trees Honor this weekend. Consider the fact that there
are few trees still standing that were alive when Christ performed his
first miracle.


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Let Me Leave You With This

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