Lanie’s Life Part 2

Lanie’s Life
    I suppose you want to know how the little jack russel got there. I’ll give you a little back story. Here it is…
“Get rid of that dog!” yelled mother.
“But…” Victoria sputtered.
My name is Victoria. My mother hates dogs. Dad knew that. But he gave me a little jack russel for my birthday anyway. My mom and dad were divorced and dad giving me a dog made my mother hate it more at the thought of her old husband. 
“Take it to the pound!” Her mother once again yelled, “NOW!”
“Fine!” I cried.
I put my cute dog in a cardboard box and kissed her. 
“I love you Jackie” I whispered into her soft ears. She turned around and licked my nose. I giggled with tears welling up in my eyes. I would miss her, but I had to give her away. Just then, I prayed silently.
Dear Jesus, please help me do this the right way. Please help me give her the right home and for her to have a good life without me.
My dad has taken me to church, and I have learned to pray and never give up. I put her favorite toys in the box and her little bed and some more supplies. Then I put her in the box and walked out the door. I went 3 houses down then crossed the street. I stopped in front of a white house and kissed my dog good-bye. I could hear her barking as I walked away. She sounded so helpless. Then I heard their front door open and a girl gasp and ask “Can we keep it?” I cried on my way home and sat on my bedroom window sill and cried and cried. 
Jackie is in good hands, I tried to convince myself, She is with the nice girl Lanie across the street.
I knew Lanie, but Lanie didn’t know me. I would always watch her play outside until I got Jackie…
Hey, it’s Chailey again! When you want part three, just comment or email me at:! See ya!

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Lanie’s Life Part 2

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