Hello everyone

Hello everyone!
My name is Kristy, and I am a dog-loving SDA that lives in the rolling green hills of Tennessee. I love writing, drawing, reading, and petting dogs (he-he!lol)!!! Anyway, I did mention that I like writing, right? Well, I like writing poems, short stories, and books. I have already finished one that is up for proof reading, and I might post it in the near future. Don’t be afraid to comment or suggest. I need the support and ideas.
See you guys soon!
A fellow Guideter, Kristy

1 thought on “Hello everyone”

  1. Hi kristy, looks like we have a lot in common. I also Love dogs and am a seventh day Adventist and I LOVE reading. Like reallllllllllllly love it. My best friend and I read at least 2 thick chapter books per day. I love dogs so much I have 2 and they r probably the most spoiled dogs in the world and I’m gonna be a vet.I do like writing and drawing but I don’t have the patience to write a long story and my drawings are not good or creative.Well I’ve already written a lot.
    Bye, [No last names on discussion forum]
    P.S.( that’s my signature that I use on EVERYTHING. I also use the heart in it.)

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