“Goodbye” Season 1, Episode 4

The Daily Christian Article
“Goodbye!” Season 1, Episode 4
29th of December 2012, Sabbath
…. when we went to a deserted classroom….. Mrs. Drenkelly backing up.. Jenee
As you know, last episode, Mrs. Drenkelly backed up the accused and little spoiled brat- Jenee Johnson( <fanfare of evil>); anyways, lets get to the juicy and dramatic part:
On regular day, we went to Gym ( which is recess >() ). So when we went, we saw a gorgeous, and gargantuan tree with a GORGEOUS View of the terrain of the school. But then the J SQUAD, which is Jenee, Jessica (really awesome and cool, don’t know why shes in a stupid club), and Jailene ( how her name is actually spelled and pronounced JAIL EENE, and shes REALLY FAT -_-). They said they owned it, but then my friend Julian said they did not, so we started arguing then I said, ” I DON’T CARE THE CR*PPY THINGS YOUR SAYING!!”, of course I got into trouble. But, it wasn’t my fault, well, it kinda was, but she just always aggravates me. My Mom was always nice to her, and the only reason why was because her MOM helped our family financially and finding this school that became a screw-up economically and psychically.  

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“Goodbye” Season 1, Episode 4

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