First love without the butterflies
The day I first notice him
I am completely awestruck
Trying to suppress the butterflies
I smile and say hi
Then I shy away
Bad first impression
Did he think I was weird
Or ugly
Or a flirt
When I see him in the hall I smile and wave
Cautiously waiting at the end of the day
Just to scurry away
And watch him from the corner of my eye
Wishing I was beside him I sighed
Imagining I was holding his hand
On the warm beach sand
Or maybe in a lush forest
Amongst the romantic songs of the birds
Talking learning about each other
Best friends with one another
Not being nervous
A friend I could trust
I wake up to reality
As he walks by
I quickly smile
Then look away
Wishing I Could gaze into those beautiful eyes
Not fearing rejection
without the butterflies
By Alvea Dule Hurlington