Escape from Bulgaria- chapter 1

Hello everyone! This new story series, Escape from Bulgaria, is based on a true story that happened to my grandparents in, of course, Bulgaria.
I’m sorry but this chapter will be short, as I don’t have much time to write it. I’ll try to make chapter two longer though. Now, without further ado, here is chapter one of
                                                  Escape from Bulgaria
Yordanka and Bozhidar lived in Bulgaria with their two sons, Paraskev, about eight, and Constantin, probably age seven. They would have been happy there, except at that time, Bulgaria was under communism. Yordanka and Bozhidar talked one night. “There must be a way to escape,” Yordanka said, “But how?” The government would occasionally let people go, but if they were allowed to go, their children would have to stay there. The government did this because they knew most people would come back for their kids.
“If we do leave, we must do it secretly.” Bozhidar whispered back. “I’m going to bed now.” Yordanka whispered. “Ok, I’ll come in soon.” Bozhidar replied. “There must be a way,” he thought to himself “There must be a way.

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Escape from Bulgaria- chapter 1

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