Hello everyone! Recently I discovered that verses in different books of the Bible seemed to fit together. Just this morning God showed me one more.
People’s plea.
“But as for me, I will pray to you, Lord; answer me, God, at a time you choose. Answer me because of your great love, because you keep your promise to save. Save me from sinking in the mud; keep me safe from my enemies, safe from the deep water. Don’t let the flood come over me; don’t let me drown in the depths or sink into the grave.”
Psalm 69: 13-15
God’s answer.
“Israel, the Lord who created you says, “Do not be afraid—I will save you. I have called you by name—you are mine. When you pass through deep waters, I will be with you; your troubles will not overwhelm you…. the hard trials that come will not hurt you.”
Isaiah 43:1-2 GNT
God doesn’t promise never to let us go through hard times, instead He promises that He will never leave us. God will be with us and comfort us as we overcome challenges.