Angels, Even in Africa

Even in Africa

day a Christian woman, let’s call her *Ruth and her friend *Leah
were missionaries traveling in Africa. Suddenly, their jeep broke
down shortly before sunset. Ruth knew that God would be with and
protect them from lions, leopards,
cheetahs, and bandits. Leah wasn’t so sure about that, she
whimpered, “Ruth I’m scared! I don’t want to be leopard lunch!”
Ruth replied, “Leah God said that He shall give His angels charge
over you, to keep you in all your ways, Psalms 91:11.”  Then
Ruth prayed, “God you know that it’s dark, and Leah and I are
scared, please protect us, in your loving name, Amen.” Suddenly,
there was a white light, glowing around Leah, Ruth, and the jeep.
“Leah, do you see the glow around us!?”, Ruth exclaimed. Leah
replied, “Glow? What glow, all I see is darkness!” Then Ruth
prayed again, “God please open Leah’s eyes that she may see the
glory of your love, protection, and power.” When Ruth and Leah
opened their eyes, they saw fiery red chariots, fiery red horses, and
angels walking about. “Is this real?” Leah asked. “Very real
Leah, God answered our prayer!” Ruth exclaimed. Then Leah and Ruth
thanked God for protection, and went to sleep knowing that God was
right there with them!

their real names

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Angels, Even in Africa

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