A Stitch in Time Saves More Than a Dime


So one of my least favorite honors is probably sewing. I know, many people
just passed out from reading that. However it is probably the most
profitable honor I’ve ever taken. Not so much because I’m making money from
sewing but that I’m actually saving money by sewing.

I was taught, before I even started Pathfinders, how to sew my honors on my
sash. Yup, I had seven nature honors before I started!

I’m currently working part time at a grocery store while I’m going to
school. This last week I had to stitch a pocket on my apron. When I told
one of my coworkers, he stated he had bought three to four aprons in the last
year because the pockets kept ripping off. I was little shocked. It had
never crossed my mind to buy a new apron when ten minutes and bit of thread
would do.

Learn more about the Sewing Honor here.

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A Stitch in Time Saves More Than a Dime

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