Let's Talk

Here’s where Guide Plus members talk about living the Christian life, discuss hot topics, and share writing tips.

Estimable Member
Joined: Dec 12, 2023
Last seen: Sep 19, 2024
Topics: 19 / Replies: 141
RE: Prayers Requests

@kpeckham Thank you

2 months ago
RE: Cool google feature!!!

@godisgoodgirl well, some of the emojis are cool, and some are really confusing/weird. That’s why I said weird. It is cool too. I’m about to try the t...

2 months ago
RE: Prayers Requests

My Mom has severely high blood pressure, which could possibly be life threatening… Please pray that it will lower soon

2 months ago
RE: How many languages do you speak?

Let’s see… I’m fluent in English and Pig Latin, and one “thing” (I wouldn’t consider it to be a language) that my siblings and I speak, called Hubba B...

2 months ago
RE: Cool google feature!!!

Wow. I just tried that, and it is WEIRD

2 months ago
RE: The Year 2024

@kpeckham Btw, have you read my email yet?

2 months ago
RE: Writing/Editing Buddy Pairs

@bookwormjo Sure! Godisgoodgirl can still edit Insidious's stories if she wants to though...

3 months ago
RE: Writing/Editing Buddy Pairs

The drawings have been completed! (Technically they were completed a while back, but for some reason I forgot to post the results on here) Our pairs a...

3 months ago

Yup. I sent an email a while back to Kim Peckham about that, but he was on vacation so I don’t know if he read it or not. He is back now, thankfully, ...

3 months ago
RE: A New Role!!!

@lickington I think Secretary is easier to say. Plus, I created the secretary role to deal with the technical things in the website, such as the yearb...

3 months ago
RE: The Year 2024

@kpeckham Let’s gooooo!!!

3 months ago
RE: Favorite Song

@estar Wow! I like listening to them too!

3 months ago
RE: The Year 2024

Yes. I have been sending email after email to Kim Peckham about the forum and the website and stuff, but I still haven’t gotten a response. Last Sabba...

3 months ago
RE: Writing/Editing Buddies!

@estar I guess we could start immediately! I officially declare the event active!

3 months ago
RE: Writing/Editing Buddies!

@lickington to be a writing buddy, you have to have posted at least one story.

3 months ago
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