Let's Talk

Here’s where Guide Plus members talk about living the Christian life, discuss hot topics, and share writing tips.

Famed Member
Joined: Mar 31, 2015
Topics: 330 / Replies: 2829
A Poll: Girl vs Boys

Most Adventists are women. That could be a reason as to why the girls are winning. ..... Where'd you get that info? :huh:

9 years ago
Methinks......methinks is a funny word!

Methinks my cat looks funny in a cone 😆 Why is she in a come? Methinks of no explanation. :huh:

9 years ago

@ Chocolatedancer1106, Thailand is really great, and my Grandma went to Italy to work for a few months, and I guess she enjoyed it there too. @Eve...

9 years ago
What church do you attend?

Our family doesn't really go to church any more. We usually spend the Sabbath at home. Sometimes some friends of our come over to study with us (which...

9 years ago
should christians watch r-rated movies.

We all (hopefully) read our Bibles. There are many stories in the Bible that would make and R-Rated movie look G-Rated. Let me list a few: Judah an...

9 years ago
If you could say one question to God what would that question be?

Sorry!! I know this is so old.... But I wanted to reply. :blush: If I could only ask God one thing, here is what I'd ask: Why? Me too Why what?...

9 years ago
Who has a BF?

NOPE #SINGLE for rest of life!!!!! PLEASEEEE I DO NOT WANT A STINKIN BF.. Sorry I think there a waste of time and I'm going to Paris and being #SINGL...

9 years ago
What is my life gotten into

14. So are you. End of story. Okay. Just wondering. 'Cause the way you were wording your stuff seemed like you were older than most, or young tryin...

9 years ago
What is my life gotten into

OK first sweetie, you haven't even lost all your baby teeth yet. Too young. Second, this will start ALOT of rumors and probably get you in trouble, h...

9 years ago
What is your DREAM JOB???

Lawyer, but I don't know what kind yet. Hmmm... My dad is a lawyer too. Just remember, make sure you can "take off" your lawyer attitude when you a...

9 years ago
I'm a newbie 🙂

Oh, and I'm 14 too.

9 years ago
I'm a newbie 🙂

Hey MyLifeAsMolly! I'm Mp137 (M-P-thirteen-seven or just Mp) I argue a bit, (ok, maybe more than a bit.) but I still try to be nice. 😉 I enjoy jokes...

9 years ago
What music?

Maybe you should try a Ukelele because my friend has one and she let me try it out and it's actually not that hard. It's also not that expensive if u ...

9 years ago
Keeping Sabbath in Alaska. How?

Maybe they just use the clock instead of the sun. Hmm, there's a thought. Except that the Sabbath isn't based on a clock, its based on the rising a...

9 years ago
"That's So Gay"??

No, the teachers haven't noticed. I just don't know what to say to other kids with them calling me "gay" too. Are you gay? Whoa!! That seems like ...

9 years ago
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