The Blame Game, Chapter 8

As the girls left the shelter of the bedroom and made their descent downstairs, they found Angelina’s mom coming up to speak to her. “Angelina Elizabeth Jones,” she began. :”Could you please explain why there are officers knocking at the door, demanding that you come out to greet them?” With her hands on her hips and a face that clearly showed she was not in the mood for any nonsense, the woman was demanding answers. “Well, I, uh..,” Angelina stammered out. That was all she could manage to say, as seeing her mom that angry only added to her anxiety. “You what?” her mom huffed. Alyssa saw that there was nothing she could do but step in, so she immediately took action. “Your daughter will explain everything in a moment, just follow us,” she replied for her friend, taking Angelina by the hand and leading her down the rest of the stairs. Angelina’s mom complied, and followed until they had reached the bottom. 

“Well, Angelina, you know what to do,” Alyssa calmly told her, gesturing towards the door. Angelina walked a few steps forward, took a deep breath, and, now that she was ready, finally opened the door. The officer’s eyes immediately met hers. “Are you Angelina Jones?” he inquired. “Yes, sir, I am.” “Mr Sanders here says that you and a friend got into his car and crashed it, then you left the scene when he was questioning you. Is this true?” Actually hearing the story out loud, Angelina once again realized just how serious the event was. 

Afraid of trouble, she wavered for a moment and tried to think of another excuse. She looked over at Alyssa, who was encouragingly nodding to her, giving her the strength to go on and tell the truth. “Y-yes, officer,” she stammered “W-we did do that.” Angelina’s mom nearly fainted at the words. The officer continued his interrogation, and asked, “Are you aware of how seriously we take a misdemeanor like that in this town?” Angelina nodded, and braced for the worst. “Then you understand that iIt’s up to 6 months jail time. Come with us, we’ll take you to the police station. There we can properly straighten things out.” 

“Yes, sir,” the girls replied in unison and made their way towards the police car, with their heads down in shame. Alyssa was the first one to get in, and then Angelina was to follow her. Before she made her way inside, she looked over at her best friend, who now looked very guilty, and somewhat afraid. Seeing this inspired Angelina to try and use the entire truth of the matter to save her friend, even if she couldn’t exactly save herself. As a result, she now had something she wanted to say. “Sir?” she asked, grabbing the officer’s attention. “A-Alyssa didn’t actually have any part in crashing the car.” Shocked at what she’d just heard, Alyssa lifted her head up, glanced over at Angelina, and smiled proudly. 

“Is that so?” the officer questioned. “Yes, it’s true, the whole thing was entirely my idea. Alyssa didn’t even want to have any part in it in the first place, and she tried to talk me out of it, but I wouldn’t listen. While she was in the car at the time, I was the one that pressured her to get in. This whole thing was not her fault.” Angelina was now almost in tears, but she continued on. “I’m sorry I did this everyone, I truly am. And I’m very sorry, Mr. Sanders. I hope you can forgive me.” And with that, she concluded her confession, wiped the tears off her face, and made her way into the car.

-Hey Guidesters! Even dealing with depression somewhat, I was able to finally get this chapter out! Hope you enjoyed it! At last, we finally get to see some more character development from Angelina. Don’t worry, this isn’t the last chapter, so as usual, see you in the next chapter (chapter 9)!😊

14 thoughts on “The Blame Game, Chapter 8”

  1. Oh no! I’m so sorry! I hope you can feel better again soon! Just remember that God, your family, and we love you. ❤️ Good story! Thumbs up! 👍🏽

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The Blame Game, Chapter 8

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