Running in the Moonlight, Chapter 7

Chapter 7- “The Truth Will Set You Free”

Abigail couldn’t believe it had already been nine months since that embarrassing day when she met the charming David Becker. Since then, they have been close friends. When is David coming? He said he would be here thirty minutes ago! Abigail thought, tapping her foot impatiently.

As if on cue, the tall, wooden doors of the quaint bookstore groaned as David opened them and strode over to Abigail with a grin on his face and his hands hidden behind his back. Abigail waved and invited him over to sit on a worn bench.

David came over and announced, “I have something important to show you.” David’s usual easygoing nature turned into an excited look in his eyes. Abigail uncomfortably shifted her skirts. David took out an old, brown Bible with a golden cross. Abigail started to protest, but David put his index finger to her lips, causing her to blush uncomfortably. “Let me speak”, David whispered. “I just found this verse and decided to share it with you. Here, read this.”

David turned to Romans 15:13 and laid the Bible in Abigail’s lap. As she read the verse, Abigail thought to herself, Peace. That’s exactly what I need! She didn’t know what came over her but all the fear, sadness, and hate she had bottled up over the years burst as she sobbed uncontrollably into David’s shoulder. She didn’t even know why she was crying, but she did know that a huge burden had been lifted off her shoulders.


Abigail felt refreshed as she threw her head back, letting the light breeze ruffle her hair in the meadow behind the mission compound. She plopped down on the soft, trimmed grass and plucked a daisy. Thank you, God, for opening my eyes to see the light! How I love you, Lord!

It had been a month since that beautiful day when she surrendered her heart to the Lord. With David’s guidance, Abigail studied the “Good Book”, as David called it, and found the answers to many questions. All of the sudden, she felt a warm breath on her neck. Visions of her kidnapper popped into her mind. Abigail whirled around, let out a bloodcurdling scream, and threw a punch at the man behind her, but missed.

“Abigail! It’s me, David!” Abigail just stared at him. Suddenly, tears sprang into her eyes. She felt so foolish! Hadn’t she claimed promise after promise in the Bible? She had put her trust in God. But now, Abigail felt as though she had failed Him.

“Oh! It’s you! I thought you were someone else…” Her voice faded as terrifying memories plagued her.

David gently placed his hand on Abigail’s shoulder, and said firmly, “Look at me. God has promised to be with you wherever you are. I know you are still traumatized by your past, but God has made you His daughter. You need to put your trust in Him!” Abigail felt much better as she gratefully reached to embrace David. But he disentangled himself from her arms, and instead, tilted her chin towards his chiseled face, and whispered in a voice husky with emotion, “Abigail.” Slowly, deliberately, he lowered his lips to Abigail’s and their lips touched, gently at first, but turned into a soul-satisfying kiss. 

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Running in the Moonlight, Chapter 7

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